Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Steppin out!

Cailin has officially taken her first cautious steps. She really began over Easter weekend at Grandma's house. For awhile after we got home though, she seemed a little scared to walk on the hard floors at our house. She figured why would I walk and fall and hurt myself when I can just crawl? Luckily though, she's starting to get her confidence back and walks more and more everyday, farther and farther. She had her 15-18 month checkup yesterday also. The doctor was amazed at how far she has come from that tiny 5 lb baby she first saw. She is now almost 25 lbs and in the 50 -75% percentile. When she first began, she wasn't even on the chart so she's made leaps and bounds since then.

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