Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's Been a while, hasn't it...

Well I have taken a long break from updating this blog. The heat and pregnancy of this past summer left me with little energy to sit at a computer but I'm trying to get back into it, especially with our new addition to the family on her way.

In the meantime, here is a look back at some of our time spent this past summer. The heat was so unbearable I have to admit we spent most days at home since venturing outside was just not any fun or anyone.
Jeff and I have made a huge leap in our life recently and decided to embrace the fact that our expanding family requires expanding our vehicle. Even an SUV is no longer feasible with 3 car seats so we had to admit it was time for a minivan, as hard as that was. I guess it finally means we are no longer cool, twenty somethings with kids but just plain ol parents. Sigh...

Chase is really growing. At 14 months now, he is walking on a regular basis and for longer and longer trips. He steps are still small and slow, but this last week we've really seen him blossom in that department. He is also very chatty and has officially caught the reading bug that is contagious around our house. We started incorporating story time into his nightly routine as well since he has finally gotten to the point where he will sit for a story and not just try to eat the book.

He also LOVES coming into the kitchen when I'm cooking and pulls out every pot, pan, and lid he can get a hold of. I, unfortunately, have had one too many heavy pots crashed on to my toe while cooking.

yes...those are stickers on his face, care of his big sister.

One day in late summer, with the temperatures reaching over 100 degrees, I was visited by a sweet, brown pit bull in our driveway. I immediately felt bad for the poor little guy since the neighbors said he had been running around all afternoon in the heat. He seemed desperate for help and a escape from the weather. Being a big ol softy, I brought him in to get him some food and water and amazingly he didn't protest one big and even let me put a leash on him. I was leary of having another dog in the house since our last go round with 3 dogs was not a pleasant one. We quickly began to see he was different than Toby had been. He was quiet, didn't jump, didn't bark, already knew commands like sit and shake and didn't jump on the furniture but laid at your feet. We searched for owners but found none so almost 2 months later, he is now a part of our family and we named him "Bear". He continues to be a very sweet, well behaved dog, maybe he is just grateful.

Play time!

We took a trip to TGR exotics with Hudson, London, Magnolia, and Caleb back in August. It was so hot though, the kids couldn't take it anymore after about 30 minutes so we had to leave. Needless to say, us parents didn't argue at all!

Looking for a little air conditioned entertainment, we took Cailin and Chase to the Children's Museum in Houston. They had an absolute blast...well Cailin did anyway. There wasn't much to do for a crawling baby.

This is how behind I am, here are the pictures from Chase's birthday nearly 4 months ago.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer daze are finally here!

Summer is finally here and we have been spending the first week hanging out at the house. Our living room becomes a daily disaster zone with toy explosions happening every hour. Chase seems to be getting a new tooth everyday and is now up to 5 teeth and I suspect at least one more will be pushing through in the next few days. He has been crawling for a while and started pulling up about a month ago and is even starting to cruise a little bit. I can't believe that it will be his 1st birthday in about a month, time has gone by so fast. I wonder what another year will bring.

Chase is learning the art of grilling from Daddy.

We recently decided to purchase a larger inflating pool that everyone could enjoy. It is one of those self-rising pools and is about 3 1/2 feet deep and it's big enough for the whole family to fit into it. With the days so hot it has been wonderful being able to step outside our own door and get in the pool without having to pack up the kids and drive to one of the community pools.
(It's much deeper than this picture below)

Our other big project this summer is building our deck in the backyard. Our backyard is very shady and it has been difficult trying to get grass to grow so the majority of our yard is sand and dirt. So we decided to not fight the shade and embrace it by covering the dirt with a huge deck patio. Jeff has been working on it nearly everyday and it is going to be a great place to sit and relax when it is all finished.

I swear I have the most photogenic kids, I don't know where they get it from. I'm not photogenic and I know Jeff is not, but both of my beautiful kids take the best pictures.

Napping with Daddy after a hard day.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Weekend

This past weekend we visited Burleson to celebrate Brayden's birthday and Easter as well. Aunt Maggie got Cailin an adorable easter basket filled with candy and an easter bunny potato head. Cailin was also very excited to show her Aunt Maggie her new polka dot easter dress.

Most importantly is was Brayden's birthday this weekend. Cailin had an absolute blast playing on Brayden's new swingset, a big bounce house and Brayden's new sand box. She and Lily had fun together playing together in the sandbox.

Chase had fun at the party too. It was the first time he was actually awake for an entire family event, I guess it's one of the benefits of getting a little bit older is he doesn't sleep so much. Then again that all depends on who you ask. I miss the sleepy days sometimes myself.

Unfortunately I started the weekend with a nasty cold that knocked me on my booty just in time to stay at Grandma's house but there is something so comforting about being at the home you grew up in when you're sick that just makes you feel better. I think I spread the love too much though because Chase and Cailin seem to have caught it and by the looks of Cailin's smooch on Grandma, Grandma isn't too far behind.

Chase and Mimi having a little inside playtime while the big kids were all the backyard.

Grandma, Chase and Brayden playing on the new swingset.

Uncle Brad gave rides in Brayden's new sports car. Allen was waiting his turn.

Brayden showed Cailin this new move on the swingset.

Faith played with Cailin alot and even pushed her on the swing for a while.

Chase found a new friend in resident big sister Hope. As the oldest of three, Hope immediately took over babysitting duties for Chase which was awesome. I just need to find me a permanent 9 nine year old, hmmm....

Aunt Maggie made the mistake of getting into the bounce house while children still prowled. She was immediately mauled by children.

The weekend was finished off with an Easter egg hunt at Brad and Maggie's Sunday morning. Cailin was much more into this year than she has in the previous years. Brayden, being only 2, was not at all interested, maybe next year though.

Life back at home has been good. Hot summer days seem to be upon even though it is only April. Every weekend lately has been filled with dragging the inflatable pool into the yard or playing in the sprinkler. The grill seems to be getting fired up more and more as we enjoy the heat and humidity we've all come to love. Okay well maybe not the humidity part.

Chase has finally cut his first tooth at the ripe old age of 9 months, seems as though both of my kids are late teethers. It remains to be seen though whether Chase will be a late walker like Cailin. He has yet to crawl but he scoots backwards and in circles and can sort of drag himself along if there is carpet to grip on to but he hasn't gotten up on all fours and crawled yet. His daycare teachers constantly remark what an incredibly happy and easy going baby he is. Teachers from other classes stop me every day, I mean EVERY day, to kiss Chase and tell me how much they love him and how sweet he is. Preaching to the choir!

Above Cailin is combing my hair and Chase is standing and trying to give hugs.

Such a handsome little boy.

We have been working with Chase to get him to hold his own bottle. Each time we hand him a bottle we have to place his hand around the bottle and sort of force him to hold it. I remember Cailin doing this on her own at a much earlier age. I don't know if it's a boy thing or a second born thing or if Cailin was just little Ms. Independent but it's funny to see some of the differences in them.

Chase is 100% on table food now. I hate baby food and I remember not giving jarred baby food to Cailin for very long. It's too expensive and just plain gross if you ask me. Chase was a little hesistant when we first introduced solids to him at 5 months, I worried he would be my picky eater. Well those worries were completely unfounded. He is a fantastic eater and frequently eats more than Cailin does at a meal. At his last doctor's appointment about 2 weeks ago, he weighed in at 21 lbs and he'll have his 9 month checkup in a few days but I think he has evened out a little in his percentiles even though he is still quite a chunky monkey.

My sweet babies!!

Ever the ham, Cailin puts on a ballarina show but really just wants to see herself on camera.

Occasionally Cailin will actually play a little with Chase. It doesn't happen often, I guess Chase isn't very exciting yet but in this video he is cracking up at her. She'll play with him in the bathtub and sometimes in the car. It's a little peek into the future when they have each other to play with, and fight with.