Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First Day of Daycare!!!

Cailin had her first full day of daycare today! In the morning, when we first got there she was understandably clinging to Mama and a little teary eyed when her teacher would try to hold her. She wanted to come straight back to me and didn't want to let go. Of course, this wasn't helping me cause I really didn't want to let her go either and I was trying not to cry as well, but I was able to put on a brave face for her. It only took a few minutes for her to adjust and she spent the rest of the day playing and having fun. She understandably didn't sleep well, only two 30 minute naps but hopefully as she gets used to it she'll sleep for longer. Her teachers said that she was such a sweet little girl and they wished all the babies there were as good natured as she is. They said she was full of smiles all day long and played and crawled around everywhere. I don't have any pictures to post right now but I know a lot of people were curious about Cailin's first day so I wanted to give an update.

1 comment:

Latebloomer said...

Way to go, Wilkins girls! Congratulations to both of you on such a significant day...