This was a fun year for Cailin since this year we really got to celebrate Halloween. In the previous years she was either too little or already in bed by the time trick or treating rolled around. We were really excited to take her to not only her first costume party but her first time trick or treating!
Cailin wore an adorable princess dress, which by the way she still puts on at least once a day. She actually wanted to be a witch but since I'm a procrastinator and waited until the last minute to get her a costume, we had to settle for princess. On Saturday, we took her to her first costume/birthday party at Hudson and London's house. She had a blast and was one of about 10 other princesses there!
Inmate Chase didn't have quite as much of a good time at the party since he was missing his bed and nap time. But eventually I got him to fall asleep so he was good after that. You'll notice his tear drops tats and ankle monitor. He's pretty much gangsta.
Sunday night we joined Gretchen, Hudson, and London for trick or treating. I think Cailin thought it was the most fun she has ever had. She got to wear her dress again and run up to people's doors and they just gave her candy! I think she was amazed by this. Chase didn't dress up for trick or treating though, maybe next year.
This past month I signed Cailin up for a little gymnastics class at The Woodlands Rec Center. Needless to say it was not worth the money! The class was fine but Cailin spent the whole time either crying or curled up on my lap. It was an effort to get her to participate. Cailin is one of the most outgoing and friendly three year olds that I know but sometimes she just gets really shy for some reason. I'm not sure why sometimes she's fine and then gets shy but I think we will wait another year before we sign her up for any other type of class.
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