Chase is now about 1 month old, can't believe it. He has grown a ton also. When he came home he weighed a little under 6 lbs, and now he is over 10 lbs. I swear sometimes he looks bigger from one nap to the next. He has a little bit of colic and mild reflux so he's been keeping Mama and Daddy up a lot at night but he is really good about going to sleep once his tummy calms down. He loves his crib and falls asleep all by himself, thank you Babywise! Chase is quickly outgrowing newborn size clothes and has moved into the 0-3 month and some 3-6 month clothes. The jury is still out as to who he looks like more. The person we think he most resembles though is Cailin when she was a baby, just a more boy version of Cailin.
Cailin is adjusting really well to having Chase at home. Her favorite big sister activity is getting to take a bath with Chase, especially now that his belly button stump has fall off and he can actually get in the water with her. The biggest thing she is happy to share is her Daddy though. When Daddy comes home from work, she want him all to her self but she doesn't protest very long when he's holding Chase.
Chase made his first 4 hour trip to Burleson to see Grandma. He did great, just slept the whole time.
Ones to never stay home just cause we have a baby, we packed up the kiddos and took Chase to Galveston at a mere two weeks old. Despite having to bring so much stuff, traveling with a newborn is fairly easy since they just sleep.
Cailin was a little afraid of the waves and preferred to stay on the beach building sand castles.
Chase on the other hand preferred to relax and take a nice ocean side nap.
About a week after Chase was born, Grandma and Uncle Brad came down to visit.
It's amazing how much he had grown since these pictures were taken. He looks so tiny compared to how big he is now.
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