Most of these pictures are from the past few weeks, definitely not in order, but it lets you know what Cailin has been up to.
Christmas night we all went to Ken and Barbara's house. Cailin loved seeing Ardyn again, they are the only two little ones close to the same age. The house was full of babies, then teenagers, then adults so the two toddlers latched on to each other quickly. The video is of Ardyn, 3 years old, dancing, and Cailin trying to join in. Ardyn's dancing was very precise and dainty, Cailin is more...shall we say a free spirit. Both of them were super cute though. Cailin got a really cute Cootie game and a Memory game that Ardyn helped her learn how to play with.
Christmas in Burleson was really great. Christmas Eve was literally like a blizzard all day long. It was the most snow any of us had ever seen in Texas and gave us the only white Christmas I can remember. The wind and snow was coming down so hard though that we couldn't play in it. The next morning I admit that after breakfast and opening presents, the snow had melted and we didn't get any pictures in time.
Cailin got a baby doll, a giant teddy bear from Uncle Brad and Aunt Maggie, a tent with a crawl through tube, toy vacuum cleaner from Grandma, and tea party set from Scott and Brenda. She got a Doodle Pad which is like a giant etch a sketch that you write with. I think all the adults played with that more than she did. She got magic clear markers from Aunt Crecia and tricycle and a backpack from Mama and Dada. Needless to say, she made a killing.
As if she didn't get enough, a week before we had our Christmas in Sugar Land. Cody helped Cailin open her presents and watched cartoons with her.
Cailin got some great stuff from Aunt Linda and Carol. She got a baby doll with a stroller, a jack in the box, a really sweet Winnie the Pooh book and art work for her room. She got a Dora the Explorer car and music set and authentic russian dolls and new crayons.
We had tried to take a really cute picture of Cailin in front of the tree to put on our Christmas cards but that morning Cailin was in no mood to pose for the camera but here are a few shots that show how cute she looked in her dress.
Before the Christmas break, we actually had a snow day here in Houston. None of it stuck but it was really exciting.
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