Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 25, 2008

September 25th

Well, we all survived Ike and were blessed with no damage to our house. So many others around us were not so lucky with trees falling through their houses. Cailin literally slept through the entire hurricane though. She slept in her pack n play in our bathroom and never woke up once.

Cailin loves her Daddy! She's definitely a snuggle bug. Usually when she gets home from daycare she wants to be held for at least 30 minutes and get some good cuddling in before she's willing to play by herself or even consider letting you out of her sight. Of course now that she's mobile, if I leave the room she'll just follow me.

And of course she loves the Longhorns! I'm very excited that she is finally big enough to fit ito all the UT clothes we had gotten at the babyshower. She had to debut her adorable outfits on the first Saturday I was home to actually watch UT play.

Cailin says "mama" all the time now but it's pretty much directed at me or sometimes Daddy if she wants him to pick her up. I still love hearing her say it though, I don't think that will ever get old! She trying to say more and more words all the time and sometimes she just sits in her crib babbling to herself all kinds of strange sounds. Her daycare teacher and I were talking about feeding her breakfast and she attempted to mouth the word "breakfast". Of course it didn't sound like "breakfast" but we knew she had tried to say it. She's going to be such a little chatter box one day.

Cailin got to spend some time at the park during the week the world shut down after Ike. After half a day with no power, Jeff and I couldn't take it anymore. I know, we're pansies. So, we went to SugarLand to stay in the land with electricity. She got to play at the park there with Cooper and Cody and she absolutely loved going down the slide, then crawling back up it, then going down again. Since she enjoyed it so much, we took her to the park near our house.

One of Cailin's favorite new things to do is tear up magazines. She gets so involved, I don't have the heart to stop her even though it's a habit I know I shouldn't encourage. Even when she's fussy, if I hand her a magazine, it will entertain her for at least 10 minutes. I usually have to finally stop her after she starts to eat the magazine.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have a ton of magazines for Cailin!! That is what I am giving her for her birthday!! JK Matt keeps telling me to throw them out but I knew saving them would come in handy!