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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Relief at Last

As the cool weather is finally breaking the oppressive heat and humidity that has trapped Houston all summer long, we are getting really excited about the coming season. Chase is really starting to come out the newborn stage, which is frankly a little boring, sweet but boring. He is smiling more and cooing a lot which is always more exciting for a mom. Now he can look you in the eyes and responds more when you talk to him. We've discovered he is ticklish and even though he can't laugh yet, he squirms and smiles when you tickle his ribs or his neck.

I dare to say he might be officially sleeping through the night now and I mean at least 8 hours a night. We've had 3 nights in a row now so I'm praying this is a permanent transition! Ah, sleep is such a beautiful thing.

I also think he might have some teeth starting to push their way up and out. You can't see them yet but he is chewing on his hands more and he'll get relaxed when you rub his gums for him. With Cailin being a preemie, she was so behind on some things like getting teeth, it's strange for Jeff and I to see things that took so long for her happening so soon with Chase.

Aunt Linda and Grandma came by for another visit. I'm really glad Cailin has gotten to see Grandma more in this past year as she has really started to recognize her as her Grandma. Before she saw her so infrequently, she was never really sure who she was.

Cailin is a really good big sister. She almost never shows any jealousy towards Chase. She'll talk really softly to him and pet his head. She'll even begrudgingly lets him play with some of her toys, as long as she gets to decide which toy he plays with. She has several baby dolls she plays with that she has all named Chase and she'll even carry around a burp cloth when she plays with them in case they spit up I guess. It's really cute.

I just love sleeping baby pictures. Tummy time usually wears him out and it ends in a nap.

We've recently had some big changes in our house. First the washing machine sprung a leak and flooded the house. We had to rip out the soaked floor boards and have holes drilled in the walls to dry them out. Blackmon Mooring came out and set up huge fans and dehumidifiers to dry everything before mold grew. They produced a ton of heat which overworked our AC which then broke. Our house got up to 95 degrees! Luckily our friends Chris and Morgan took us and our dogs in to escape the heat until it was fixed. Chase had to sleep at times on our bed cause his room was too hot. Now our AC is fixed and we are hoping to have new floors soon. I just hope this is the last of our big changes for a while. Unless the universe would like to send us a winning lottery ticket...that would be great universe.