Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 29

Cailin thinks it's hilarious to watch people eat. I guess she thinks the way we move our mouths is funny. She's laughing at her Grandma, who is now only pretending to eat just to get some laughs.

In the next video, you might think that she is crying but's her new thing. She likes to scream and squeal all day long for no apparent reason. I think she's taking after Magnolia and getting ready for her American Idol audition.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

July 20

Cailin is getting really good and sitting all by herself. She is still a little wobbly and will usually fall over if she turns her head too fast but she can sit and play with her toys without much support. She is really responding to her name well also. For the most part, if you call her name she'll turn toward you, unless something really good is on TV and she can't be bothered : )

I will sometimes pour all of her toys out of her toybox and just let her go to town. It will entertain her for a while but she prefers if I come and play with her. If she knows that I am sitting behind her, every few seconds without turning her head, she will reach down to feel if my legs are still there and then continue playing. If I've moved, then she will spin around to see where I've gone.

I like to surround her with stuffed animals sometimes. She loves choosing which one she wants to play with, or just stick in her mouth and they provide a soft barrier for her uncertain sitting abilities.

She really loves her stuffed lion and gets a huge grin on her face whenever I put it in front of her. She'll give him hugs and smooches, and of course a little taste of whatever she had eaten before. Having the boppy behind really helps her not to hurt her head on our hard floors when she falls backward.

Although Cailin is a very observant baby and definitely isn't the most vocal baby most of the time, at home she lets go a little more. Here she is just talking to herself while she plays in her jumpy.

She is getting really close to crawling. I expect it should happen any day now. You can tell she is thinking long and hard about what she is supposed to do but can't quite make her arms and legs move together. For now though, she has mastered the army crawl on her belly and can move forward for the most part if there is a toy she's really motivated to go after.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Port Aransas Trip

Cailin had a blast on her first trip to the beach. The seaweed and jelly fish were bad this year so we didn't spend a lot of time in the ocean but she got to go and stick her feet in the water and in the sand. She seemed to love it and was all smiles, of coarse. Most of our time was spent at the awesome pool at the hotel.

She is getting closer and closer to crawling. Mostly she turns in circles on her belly and moves backward. As soon as she can figure out how to move forward, she'll be off!

Then we went to the beach and got in the water for the first time! We all had so much fun we didn't want to leave.

Port Aransas Trip