This past weekend we visited Burleson to celebrate Brayden's birthday and Easter as well. Aunt Maggie got Cailin an adorable easter basket filled with candy and an easter bunny potato head. Cailin was also very excited to show her Aunt Maggie her new polka dot easter dress.
Most importantly is was Brayden's birthday this weekend. Cailin had an absolute blast playing on Brayden's new swingset, a big bounce house and Brayden's new sand box. She and Lily had fun together playing together in the sandbox.
Chase had fun at the party too. It was the first time he was actually awake for an entire family event, I guess it's one of the benefits of getting a little bit older is he doesn't sleep so much. Then again that all depends on who you ask. I miss the sleepy days sometimes myself.
Unfortunately I started the weekend with a nasty cold that knocked me on my booty just in time to stay at Grandma's house but there is something so comforting about being at the home you grew up in when you're sick that just makes you feel better. I think I spread the love too much though because Chase and Cailin seem to have caught it and by the looks of Cailin's smooch on Grandma, Grandma isn't too far behind.
Chase and Mimi having a little inside playtime while the big kids were all the backyard.
Grandma, Chase and Brayden playing on the new swingset.
Uncle Brad gave rides in Brayden's new sports car. Allen was waiting his turn.
Brayden showed Cailin this new move on the swingset.
Aunt Maggie made the mistake of getting into the bounce house while children still prowled. She was immediately mauled by children.
The weekend was finished off with an Easter egg hunt at Brad and Maggie's Sunday morning. Cailin was much more into this year than she has in the previous years. Brayden, being only 2, was not at all interested, maybe next year though.
Life back at home has been good. Hot summer days seem to be upon even though it is only April. Every weekend lately has been filled with dragging the inflatable pool into the yard or playing in the sprinkler. The grill seems to be getting fired up more and more as we enjoy the heat and humidity we've all come to love. Okay well maybe not the humidity part.
Chase has finally cut his first tooth at the ripe old age of 9 months, seems as though both of my kids are late teethers. It remains to be seen though whether Chase will be a late walker like Cailin. He has yet to crawl but he scoots backwards and in circles and can sort of drag himself along if there is carpet to grip on to but he hasn't gotten up on all fours and crawled yet. His daycare teachers constantly remark what an incredibly happy and easy going baby he is. Teachers from other classes stop me every day, I mean EVERY day, to kiss Chase and tell me how much they love him and how sweet he is. Preaching to the choir!
We have been working with Chase to get him to hold his own bottle. Each time we hand him a bottle we have to place his hand around the bottle and sort of force him to hold it. I remember Cailin doing this on her own at a much earlier age. I don't know if it's a boy thing or a second born thing or if Cailin was just little Ms. Independent but it's funny to see some of the differences in them.
Ever the ham, Cailin puts on a ballarina show but really just wants to see herself on camera.
Occasionally Cailin will actually play a little with Chase. It doesn't happen often, I guess Chase isn't very exciting yet but in this video he is cracking up at her. She'll play with him in the bathtub and sometimes in the car. It's a little peek into the future when they have each other to play with, and fight with.