Last week we all said goodbye to Nana and Poopah again as they headed back to UAE. We spent the day with them and the family. As they will be there for another year, we may try to visit them over Christmas time but we might shorten the flight a little and just meet somewhere in Europe. Looks like Cailin might earn another passport stamp and Chase may join the ranks of world traveler at the ripe old age of 5 months, but definite plans haven't been made yet.

It's Cailin the Explorer!
I got Cailin her very first "professional" haircut a couple weeks ago. I use the word "professional" loosely as she did little more than I have always done in our own bathroom. Needless to say Cailin will not be going back there and will return to the good ol' Wilkins salon conveniently located in our bathroom.

Amazingly Chase is already 8 weeks old! I can't believe how the time has flown by. Here is what we have picked up about our little guy. He loves to sleep. Unfortunately, that sleep doesn't tend to coincide with our sleep making for some pretty exhausting nights. However, the last couple of nights he has gone 6 to 7 hours straight with just needing an occasional resettling. Last night he slept from midnight until 9 am! I just had to go help him out when his jammies got all tangled which I think was making him cold cause his feet were freezing when I checked on him. After a quick pajama adjustment and tucking the blanket back around him he quickly dozed back off. Chase is definitely a cuddle bug as well. He loves being held and talked to and even seems to love the sounds of Cailin's antics going on all around him. I guess he's been hearing her giggles and tantrums since he was still in utero.
Thank goodness Texas Football season is back!! We are beginning the brainwashing as soon as possible and made sure Chase was wearing his Longhorn finest for the first UT game of the season.
Don't you just want to smooch those cheeks! They remind me of Cailin's cutie cheeks which still get smooched about a hundred times a day whether she likes it or not.
These are the first glimpses of his smiles. I love seeing them come out more and more.

Our great friend Eric came to visit a couple weeks ago and we made sure he didn't leave without getting a good dose of baby fever! (I think it worked)
Aunt Linda came by to make sure we were taking proper care of Chase since her help was crucial on the day he was born.Chase got some good cuddle time with Nana. I think if it were up to Nana, all her grandbabies would sleep on her just like this and none of them would ever have to sleep in a bed.
My sweetie little boy. I was about to give him a bath but I felt bad waking him up cause he was snuggling so nicely. Of course when he spit up down my bra, cuddle time was over.
I have pictures of Cailin playing on this exact same toy when she wasn't much older than Chase. Even one of Cailin and Magnolia. Unfortunately, we have gotten a new computer since then and the pictures don't seem to have made the transfer. I actually only have them in hard copy, which is strange for these days.
Cailin has learned the words to "The Eyes of Texas" and this is a video of her dancing to Daddy singing.