This week we visited one of the parks here in The Woodlands. It's on the water and has a ton of ducks that crowd around waiting to be fed. You aren't supposed to feed them because apparently it leads to overpopulation and disease but we didn't notice that sign until afterwards so the ducks got to enjoy some stale tortillas.
Daddy also got to play on the rock wall. Cailin tried to join but she didn't want to show up Daddy and make him feel bad.
Don't worry, this isn't our dog! But it was the cutest puppy ever so we stopped to pet her. The puppy kept barking and trying to jump on Cailin so she was a little alarmed by this but wanted to take the dog home with us anyway.
She kept running after the ducks. She chased them up and down the shore but they kept scooting away. They'll hang around if you've got food but definitely don't like being chased by toddlers.