For quite a while now, Cailin has been practicing using utensils to eat her food. In the beginning,it was simply a toy with which to sling food around. Getting food into her mouth was a job solely for the fingers. Now however, she's gotten the hang of it and accurately scoops food onto a spoon or fork and gets into her mouth nearly every time. Food slinging does still occur though, I mean come on, that's just fun!
For those of you not fortunate enough to spend your time watching the Noggin channel, well let me tell you, it's a hoot (please note a hint of sarcasm). Cailin though, loves it! From Yo! Gabba Gabba, to Toot and Puddle, to Wow! Wow! Wubbzy to name a few. Where they get those names from, I don't want to know. A snack cup, a selected dolly of the day, and some good ol cartoons gives Mama a chance to fold some laundry or get dinner started. Not that I use TV as a babysitter but sometimes you just have to do somethings without a toddler hanging on your leg.
The weather is finally warming up and the clouds parted enough for us to ring in the season with some good old fashion swimming in the driveway. That's right. We're those neighbors. We hauled out the classy, plastic wadding pool and plopped our daughter right down in it. Since we have yet to get bathing suits for the season for Cailin, she initially went it clothes and all. After all, clothes can be dried and diapers can be changed. None of it compares to how much fun she had. Later though, we stripped her down to just her skivvies and she was running around for all the neighborhood to see. Good times. We are all counting down the days until school is over and summer fun can begin full time!