Okay I know it has been way too long since I've updated you on Cailin. Let me tell you time flies by these days like crazy but I'll try to do a better job of keeping things more up to date. As some of you might know, Cailin was pretty sick this past week. She had a combo ear infection, lung infection and sinus infection. All of which makes for a nightmare plane trip and a week at high altitudes, so in the best interest of our sweet girl, we opted not to put her through that torture. Instead, Mama stayed home with her and Grandma came down to help out and we sent Daddy skiing. Cailin had to use a Nebulizer, which is a breathing treatment that opens up her airways. Needless to say, she was not a fan of this but luckily Grandma did a great job of putting on a show for Cailin to calm her down during the treatments. Per her request though, no videos or pictures were allowed during these performances : ). It didn't take long for Cailin to start feeling better and since the weather this week was gorgeous, we got to spend a lot of time outside enjoying it. Her Winnie the Pooh car is totally awesome and we took endless rides up and down the street.
Cailin is a girl who moves at her own pace, whether it is fast or slow, she goes where her heart takes her. She is still trying to master the confidence to let go and walk on her own but we know that she will in her own time. All we can do it continue to be there for her, holding her hand until she feels ready to go it alone. 
Trips around the backyard are a fun game for her. Of course she disagrees with us about whether or not she should wear shoes or not, but luckily Mama always wins that battle. She'll take a few laps and then decides that she's ready to go inside. It's amazing that three adults obediently followed her in and out the door. She has us trained! : )

Cailin has definitely developed the fine art of whining. Don't get me wrong, she's still sweet, snuggly and smiling 90% of the time but she's coming to an age where she adamantly voices her likes and dislikes. She's a snuggler for sure and loves to be held. She's asking Daddy to pick her up and Duckie too.
Grandma was so great to come down at the last minute to spend some time with us. Cailin can go months without seeing her and within 30 seconds she's begging Grandma to hold her and pretty much doesn't let her go until Grandpa comes to pick her up. Cailin was investigating Grandma's necklaces and making sure they weren't edible.

Unfortunately though Cailin and Mama had to miss our long anticipated trip to Idaho where we had a great ski trip planned. Since Cailin's illness was so sudden, we decided Daddy should go so it wouldn't be a complete loss. He had a huge ordeal just getting there though. Missed flights, endless hours waiting on standby flights only to get sent home, flying to so many cities and changing flights and airports. But finally he made it and had a great time and came back in one piece, sore but whole. Hopefully one day we can take another trip but we were really glad to have Daddy home safe and sound.

Cailin got a bouncing horsey for Christmas, I think she really likes it because it's one of the few things she's big enough to get on and off by herself. Independence is a big thing for 1 1/2 year olds. Don't tell her, but she'll be my sweet baby girl forever, even when she thinks she's a big girl.
I told you...my sweet baby girl.
Have I gushed enough about her? No? Well let me just say that she is the light in my life (her Daddy too). She's is just such a happy little girl who honestly loves to make people laugh. If she gets a laugh, she absolutely lights up and will try to get you to laugh again. She loves to give hugs and smooches and still stops strangers in their tracks when we're out in public. Even women with their own babies will stop and gush about how cute she is and how happy she looks. She's just awesome. There's no way around that. She's so smart and learning new words every day. She'll say "Thank you" when you hand her something, she will go get a certain toy if you ask her too, she's learned a duck says "quack" and knows exactly where to go in fridge to find her apple sauce. Her other words include "Bailey", "ball", blankie has become "didi" for some reason but she knows what it is. Okay, I'll stop now, I told you I could gush about her.
So happy...
We play the laundry basket car game in the living room. She loves it not to mention it's a great workout for your legs, but not so much for your back.
When in doubt though, we always have our thumb. She was trying to show Grandma the finer points of thumb sucking. Maybe she figured everyone needs a thumb to suck sometimes.