Cailin, Maggie, and Hudson had their playdate again last week and got to have lunch with all the girls from Lexicon. Cailin kept trying to smooch Magnolia though. I think she gets tired of slobbering on her own face all the time and thought she would try someone else's.

But they had fun rolling on the floor together
She likes to help me cook sometimes so I gave her a spatula to chew on
She got tired of playing in her playpen while I cooked so I brought her in the kitchen with me. She was so happy to sit there and watch me or the TV and chew on spoons or whatever else I gave her.
We went to visit our friends Morgan and Chris this weekend so Cailin had a chance to see them again, it had been a while. Hopefully they'll give Cailin someone to play with soon, wink wink. :)